Friday, January 26, 2007

Rev. F. Barkins

Rev. F. Barkins officiated at the following (Black) Monroe County marriages:

1892 -
John Lewis Dunsmore & Lydia Erskine, 2/18/1892


SeeCSM said...

I believe that M.L. Lacy was the minister who actually officiated at John Lewis and Lydia's ceremony. Lacy was the one who filled out and signed the "Minister's Return or Endorsement" The couple was united in marriage at F.B. Parkins in Monroe County.

SeeCSM said...

I believe that M.L. Lacy was the minister who actually officiated at John Lewis and Lydia's ceremony. Lacy was the one who filled out and signed the "Minister's Return or Endorsement" The couple was united in marriage at F.B. Parkins in Monroe County.

SeeCSM said...

I believe that M.L. Lacy was the minister who actually officiated at John Lewis and Lydia's ceremony. Lacy was the one who filled out and signed the "Minister's Return or Endorsement" The couple was united in marriage at F.B. Parkins in Monroe County.