Sunday, September 19, 2010


Elizabeth Buckland:
1860 Census, Virginia, Monroe County, Mulatto Female, age 76, Free Inhabitant, with John (70), and Walter (65) and with Charles Hennen (12).
Elizabeth Buckland:
Monroe County Deaths - Daughter of John and Susan Buckland. In 1853 she reported the death of her unmarried sister, Susan Buckland. (2/14/1853)
Jacob Buckland:
History of Monroe County, page 189
Susan Buckland:
Wife of Jacob Buckland
1810 Census, Virginia, Monroe County, Free Inhabitant, 10 persons in household.
1840 Census, Virginia, Monroe County, Free Inhabitant, 3 females in household
History of Monroe County, page 189, Free Negro, wife of Jacob Buckland, Indian Creek, about 1806.
Susan Buckland:
Monroe County Deaths - Free Inhabitant, died 2/14/1853, died suddenly at age 49, born in Rockingham County, Virginia, daughter of John and Susan Buckland. Unmarried. Her death was reported by her sister Elizabeth Buckland.
Walter Buckland:
1860 Census, Virginia, Monroe County, Free Inhabitant with Elizabeth Buckland (76).
(Note: There appear to be two Susans and two Elizabeths but more research needs to be done re: this)
I have not found any other Bucklands in the area.


Elizabeth Buckland said...

I would like to make a correction to your history of this Elizabeth Buckland and her brothers Walter and John and her son Charles Herrin. They were not African-American. Her father is my 4x Great Grandfather and he is listed as an Indian. Back when the census was taken if you were of mixed Indian and White blood you were listed as Mulatto per the law. If you look at the other Buckland's in the census you will find they were listed as white and she was listed as white in earlier census reports. John Buckland her father is listed in the Indian census as a Saponi Nation Indian. I'm sorry for the mix up as I was confused when I found the census recently but after further research I found the law and her father. I know that my father was almost full blood Indian mixed with Roma (Gypsy). I thought I would straighten this out so others that are looking into their ancestry would understand. Thank you so much for your time and research. You did help me find my 4x Great Aunt. Blessings, Elizabeth Buckland

Elizabeth Buckland said...

I would like to make a correction to your history of this Elizabeth Buckland and her brothers Walter and John and her son Charles Herrin. They were not African-American. Her father is my 4x Great Grandfather and he is listed as an Indian. Back when the census was taken if you were of mixed Indian and White blood you were listed as Mulatto per the law. If you look at the other Buckland's in the census you will find they were listed as white and she was listed as white in earlier census reports. John Buckland her father is listed in the Indian census as a Saponi Nation Indian. I'm sorry for the mix up as I was confused when I found the census recently but after further research I found the law and her father. I know that my father was almost full blood Indian mixed with Roma (Gypsy). I thought I would straighten this out so others that are looking into their ancestry would understand. Thank you so much for your time and research. You did help me find my 4x Great Aunt. Blessings, Elizabeth Buckland